Digestive System > Digestive Systems of Other Species

Digestive Anatomy and Physiology of Dinosaurs

You think this is a joke, don't you? How can we possibly know anything about the digestive physiology of creatures that last walked the earth 65 million years ago? It is true that not much is known, but paleontologists are clever and patient, and have made some interesting discoveries and deductions.

It is now widely accepted that birds evolved from a group of two-legged dinosaurs known as theropods and it therefore might be expected that dinosaurs had a digestive system similar to birds. Indeed, there are several pieces of evidence from fossils supporting just this hypothesis.

Finally, what could be more exciting than studying dinosaur coprolites or fossilized feces. Coprolites have been found at many sites and from a broad range of extinct species. Two interesting examples of the value of such finds to understanding dinosaur digestive function:


Digestive Systems of Other Species: Index

Last updated October 2021. Send comments to Richard.Bowen@colostate.edu