Viral Diseases of Man and Animals

Bunyaviruses: Introduction and Index

Bunyaviruses constitute a very large family of RNA viruses currently composed of more than 300 identified members, some of which are highly important pathogens of vertebrates. All members of this group are enveloped and have a genome consisting of three segments of single-stranded, negative-sense RNA. Many, but not all, bunyaviruses are transmitted by infected arthropods (mosquitoes, ticks, or sandflies).

Considering the large number of viruses in this group, it is not surprising that taxonomic classification has been challenging, even contentious. The classification presented here is based on the somewhat classical grouping of these viruses into five genera. Hantaviruses, nairoviruses, orthobunyaviruses, and phleboviruses are pathogens of animals, while tospoviruses infect only plants.

Biology of Bunyaviruses





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